Watercolor painting

Watercolor painting

Watercolor painting: this technique with infinite variations

The pleasure of offering a box of watercolor paintings

Used since the third century in China, this technique has enchanted many great masters of painting such as Albrecht Dürer who painted the first washes, or Dufy, and of course Turner.

It is undoubtedly the Winsor & Newton watercolor that contributed to the widespread use of this technique. Henry Newton and William Winsor created the first wet watercolors in 1832 before inventing the watercolor tube. Today, the color chart has been enriched with new tones and the traditional manufacturing is still in place. Sennelier has developed a watercolor based on honey, providing a rich intensity and a smoothness very pleasant to work. As for Van Gogh by Royal Talens, fine art students are familiar with this brand offering splendid results for watercolor paint boxes at a very modest price.

Watercolor paint boxes, tubes, half-pints: watercolor in all its forms

Watercolors are available in half-cups for a compact solution, in color or in sets and boxes. Practical, compact, the half-pack of watercolor allows you to work in washes and dilution. You can also find the half-pack of watercolor paint in the form of boxes of watercolor paint to discover or go further in the mastery of watercolor.

For a clearer result, stronger in nuances, choose the watercolor in tube. We propose you according to the ranges of 5 ml and 10 ml and 14 ml. The use is different in these cases, you can work the juices and washes and also the traces and effects of brushes by diluting differently. Each box of watercolor paint is practical and contains a selection of the most used shades.

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