Pro Label Art Cotton Frame

Cotton canvas frames

Professional quality cotton canvas stretchers offer painters an irresistible grain. Indeed, for 25 years Label Art has offered a range of cotton canvas stretchers whose grain allows a very pleasant textural work for your paintings in material. The bare frame on which the cotton canvas is stretched is sloped, a feature as ingenious as it is indispensable. Indeed, a frame with sloping edges guarantees that your canvas will never break.

The cotton canvas

The canvas stretcher, large format or small format, is prepared on a base coated with 3 universal layers. This means that the cotton canvas accepts all techniques. Whether you prefer oil or acrylic paint, the canvas allows you to work with all palettes.

The canvas is resistant (375 g/m2), which ensures solidity and a work ranging from the details to the painting requiring material and thickness. Cotton canvas stretchers, large or small, are supplied with wooden keys, to tighten your cotton canvas at any time. The frame is reinforced with the installation of spacers from size 10 and 40.

Section of the cotton canvas frame, in mm :

Ft 0 to 10: 35x20; Ft 12 to 40: 45x20; Ft 50 to 120: 65x24

Ft squares until 50x50cm : 35x20 ; Ft squares from 60x60cm to 100x100cm : 45x20

One cross : size 40 to 80 ; One cross : square fts from 80x80cm to 100x100cm ; One double cross : size 100 and 120

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