Concept Frame Matte Black

Discover a vast selection of matte black Concept frames in this dedicated catalog. Sober and resolutely timeless, these models can be used toframe any type of canvas. Photographers and painters can use them to protect black & white or color images, paintings and watercolors. These matte black Concepts frames are one of the most popular framing models among professionals. This is due in part to the 2-in-1 nature of these frames. You can insert your works in two different, yet perfectly secure, ways.

Galleries also like to use our matte black Concept frames. Beautiful and discreet, they enhance walls and underline the quality of your works without distorting them. Your paintings, canvases and photographs remain the center of attention. Whatever the size of your work, you'll find the right model(s) here from a selection of over twenty. We also encourage you to consult our other dedicated catalogs to discover other frame typesand colors . Feel free to send us a message via the online form for further information on our products and services .

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